The world of Underworld is immense both in and out of game with guilds in Canada, the United States and even Japan. Each of the guilds may have varying stories but the overall lore is shared amongst all of them and your character can travel there as long as you can attend their events.

Duskmoor - Toronto, Ontario
Facebook Group
Main Event Location

Ralinwood - London, Ontario
Facebook Group
Main Event Location

Mournfall - Ottawa, Ontario
Facebook Group
Main Event Location

Howling Wilds - North Bay, Ontario
Main Event Location

Tempest Grove - Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Main Event Location

Misthaven - Winnipeg, Manitoba
Facebook Group
Main Event Location

Zenithstrand - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Facebook Group
Main Event Location

Harrowvale - Edmonton, Alberta
Facebook Group
Main Event Location

Umberfloe - Calgary, Alberta
Facebook Group
Main Event Location

Dark Harbor - Florida, USA
Main Event Location

Havenhollow - Nagoya, Japan
Facebook Group
Main Event Location