Blanket : Used to increase the amount of CP (character points, or experience points) available to a character. Each blanket's CP value is dependent on the level of the character it is applied to. Earned when attending events or through the global shop.
Character Bleed : When feelings you experience in-game start to slip into your out-of-game life. Its important to keep a good distinction between characters and players.
CP (Character Points) : Gained on a character's card by applying blankets to that character. The amount of CP gained is dependent on the character's level. CP is spent to purchase skills for that character to use. Every character starts with 150 CP.
FOIG : "Find Out In Game" is generally used to avoid meta or spoiling.
Frags (Soul Frags) : An out of game currency associated with your Underworld Larp Logistics account. This currency is earned by volunteering time or making donations to the guild you'd like to earn frags with. Frags are used to purchase races, classes, skills and magics from the Soul Frag Rulebook that cannot be obtained by regular means.
Hold : A word to express a reason to "pause" the game. If you hear someone shout "HOLD" you must stop any combat or roleplay. For this reason the word "hold" is generally avoided when speaking in character. The main types of holds are;
"descriptive hold" where a shaper will describe what the characters are meant to see, hear or experience. They are essentially setting the scene.
"medical hold" where a player has received an injury. In the case of a medical hold everyone should stop all activities and take a knee to let medical marshals assess the situation. You cannot call a medical hold for another player unless they are unable to call one for themselves (unconscious or otherwise).
In & Out of Game (IG/OOG) : The distinction between whether something exists in the game world or not. For example, a player's out-of-game name vs their character's in-game name. If you need to speak to someone out-of-game you can place your hand on your head (this signifies you are currently out-of-game) and try to speak in a low voice or out of earshot of other players.
Infernalism (Black Smoke) : When references to the out-of-game world are used in-game. To be avoided at all costs. If you need to speak to someone out-of-game you can place your hand on your head (this signifies you are currently out-of-game) and try to speak in a low voice or out of earshot of other players.
Immersion : A state of mind where role-playing flows as naturally as if you really were your character. It is our goal to have players as immersed as possible. This is the reason we are very serious about infernalism. If you need to speak to someone out-of-game you can place your hand on your head (this signifies you are currently out-of-game) and try to speak in a low voice or out of earshot of other players.
Logistics : Term used to refer to various parts of the logistical process of Underworld. It can refer to;
Logistics Table : Where you sign in at the beginning of event and receive your character sheet.
Logistics Team : Each guild has a team responsible for the registration of accounts, creation of characters, and much, much more.
Logistics Email : The email address to a specific guild's logistics team.
Logistics Database : The website all Underworld guilds use to register player accounts and characters.
NPC (Non-Player Character) : Players that are not currently playing a character they have created in the database. NPCs are part of the shaper team and play as the various locals and monsters that populate the world. Event fees are waived for players who opt to NPC for the entirety of the event. There are a few different types of NPC roles;
Shift NPC (Shifty) : A player who plays their own character for the majority of the event but opts to join the NPC team for at least one shift, on average about 4 hours. They will not be playing as their own character during their shift.
Event NPC : A player who chooses to spend the entire event on the NPC team.
Season NPC : A player who chooses to spend the entire larp season on the NPC team. These players tend to be more knowledgeable of the overall plans for the season's story arc.
NPL (New Player Liaison) : A group of players tasked with guiding new players into our game world. From finding a place in the community, answering any questions, helping to create a character, guiding them through the logistics process, to being a first point of contact. NPLs are there to help.
Meta : When out-of-game information slips into the in-game world without just cause. This is a matter that is taken very seriously and will be treated as such.
Mod : Short for "module". A term used in out of game situations when referencing a planned event or story element run by the Shaper team.
PC (Player Character) : Refers to either a player or the character they play.
PVP (Player vs Player) : Confrontations between player characters. Generally refers to combat but can also refer to role-play conflict.
Reps (Phys-Reps) : Physical representations of in-game items from mundane items, to weapons, to armour.
Reset : The period between 6pm and midnight where daily skills can be refreshed. This process requires 10 uninterrupted minutes. Spell casters can use this time to write their next day's spells on their spell tags while martial characters can meditate or practice sparring.
Shaper : A person who writes the story of the game. They "shape" the game world.
Skill Tag : Included with the "soul" that you receive at logistics if you've purchased skills with daily uses for your character. Each skill tag represents a use of the skill written on it.
Soul : The envelope you receive at logistics containing your character sheet and skill tags. This must be with you at all times and you must present it to a shaper if asked. If you do not have your soul, you do not exist in the game world.
Tags : Slips of paper that indicate an item that exists in game. Click here for a more in-depth explanation.
Wind : Refers to people walking by out-of-game. Usually used when seeing people approaching then realizing they are out-of-game, "Ah, it was just the wind."