“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
In Game Description
As the settlement of Mournfall continues to develop and expand under the rulership of Lord Drach the day to day business carries on. The local laborers and guilds push ever forward to establish themselves in the north. After the set back of the flat tail water rats, the logging camp has returned to its daily function. Although some of the humanoid workers are a little apprehensive with the creatures felling trees without the ability for the creatures to speak the common tongue and give warning. Some injuries have been accrued. Talia, the local beekeeper, has been visiting the camp to share remedies with the injured workers.
Glint and Powder have been busy with preparations regarding the new building projects that will soon be underway for the town of Mournfall. A call for resources from the many artisans has been echoed through the work sites. Meanwhile, the Dyrad has been seen wandering around the area of Mournfall. Calmly enhancing the growth of the surrounding vegetation.
With the battle of Seidenstadt over and the Conclaves' contribution there done, Arch Magus Cindus has been able to refocus his efforts on the establishment of The Conclave in Mournfall. Membership contracts have been sent out to those who have sought to join, along with lists of prices, availability and benefits.
On more esoteric matters. Working with Harkon the intrepid adventurers of Mournfall were able to recover an ancient container within was a set of lungs which once belonged to Grey Elven Mummy known only as the Keeper of Kings. After a battlefield surgery the lungs were placed within the Keeper thus restoring some of his memory.
Harken had secluded himself in the fort with the Keeper of Kings to conduct further research. However a single visitor was allowed in. A disheveled old man, that would be recognized as Ezekyle. Weeks have passed and finally a conclusion has been reached. The Keeper of Kings ties to something far more important than just the simple study of history.
A diamond golem walks from the woods, a parchment in hand and places it upon the notice board.
“Adventurers of Mournfall. We have traveled realms, dimensions and seen wondrous and horrific sights together. One of yours has discovered something absolutely incredible. This ‘Keeper of Kings’ comes from an ancient time long since lost and forgotten. However, it is not just the wondrous knowledge of history that it can provide, but something far more. An understanding of what is to come and what has come before. The means to understand the threat of the Hell king.
While this may not make sense to you now, my young friends', history will teach you why it should. Once more with the powers granted to me we shall traverse the planes. This time will be different, the rivers of time are well guarded and oft not understood. Take heed, for one can get lost within the sands of time. Thus, I shall bring time to us. It will not be a singular rift which we must traverse but many rivers and streams that weave together. What events have brought us here must be navigated to get us to where we wish to be. Through time and knowledge we shall find our place within it.
- Ezekyle”
“The rats are arming themselves and making their own government. I heard it from a Bush.”
“If Avians aren't real then how come my wife left me for one.”
“I watched Glint step into a ring of frost, then disappear.”
“Do you think I should see a Doctor? This spot hasn’t gone away. Thought it was a bruise.”
“Did you hear about Jacob's oldest?" "No, what happened?"
"They found him half in the ground. Terrible sight!”
“HE is coming.”
“I thought I saw a huge woman with a large white braid stalking animals in the woods.”
“I ran into a finely dressed man on the way home, who promised me my dreams would come true if I just gave him my name. When I got home my wife and kids were gone. I just wanted peace and quiet”
“I saw my ancestors fighting but the Myst flew by and it was gone.”
“The Ajaunti in town are all saying they are having weird dreams.”
“Pretty sure that’s normal for them.”
“Have you seen any Ice Elves? They speak of a Scion to unite them, their domes will come down. They mobilize as if to move in a large force.” “But where are they going?” “I don’t know but it scares me.”
Out of Game Information
Welcome one and all to the sixth season of Mournfall.
We have a new site this year which means learning the new land as players. Please keep in mind your surroundings and play safely. We do have beavers dwelling around the land, be mindful.
Darrens’s Cottage is out of bounds and not part of the Larp Area. Players are not allowed there unless accompanied by Darren himself.
There are trail markers on the trees that mark the site boundaries. We will go over this during opening announcements.
We have new outhouses on the site. We expect players and team members alike to keep them clean. There will be a waste bin outside of the outhouses for your convenience. Please keep this to waste related to the use of the outhouses. Dispose of your camp waste personally within your own camp.
Do not dispose of anything into the outhouse other than Toilet paper and bodily waste. Feminine products are to be disposed of in the waste bin.
Disobeying these rules will result in issues for the guild.
Garbage: Anything you bring to site is expected to leave with you or be handled by you in some manner. We all want a clean play area. The Tavern Garbage bins are meant for Tavern use. The Outhouse Bin is for Outhouse use. Your waste is yours to handle and not the teams. Plan to bring your garbage home.
Please burn burnables when possible. (ie paper plates, wood utensils)
There will be a new waiting area for approaching NPC camp.
Fire pits need approval from GM’s before construction. Currently there is one communal fire pit in the town center area.
Please Park with care. The road is used by other families that live in the area. Do not block the road.
The roads leading up to site have the high potential for deer crossing at this current time. Please drive with care and keep an eye on the sides of the road for deer signs.
As we are in the woodlands of Quebec, cell reception is not an option. For directions, we suggest saving them to your phone, to access it without data. This also means you will not have digital access while at log. Please prepare properly and have everything in order before attending the event.
Tent Rental: For those of you without lodging, we have an offer for those looking to rent a tent for the weekend. An 8 Person tent for $30. It will be your responsibility to maintain the integrity of the tent while in your care. Setup and teardown will be in your hands. Rented items are to be returned to NPC camp at the end of every event.
If this is your first game of 2024, you are required to have your weapons and armour marshalled before game start. Please check your tags for expiry.
Rulebook Updates
Tags will be rewritten as needed, please email logistics with photos of your tags to be replaced.
Locks will state external or internal on the tag.
Legendary items will be written with a due date. Effective creation date will be set as the rule change: May 2023. Expiry will be based off this date.
If you have not already, read and sign our waiver before attending a Mournfall Game. If you have already filled one out, please do not resubmit a waiver unless your medical information has changed.
Prelog Information
Head to http://logistics.underworldlarp.com/ to register for the event!
Prelog will remain open till 11:59pm the Tuesday before the event. (Tuesday July 23rd 2024)
Problems with your character data or technical problems with the database? logistics@mournfall.com.
New Players
New to Underworld or the online database? Check out our Discord! We have many helpful players including our New Player Liaison team who are more than happy to assist you!
New Player Referral Bonus: (New Players 1st game)
The New player who was referred will get the Frag Skill ‘A Friend In Need’. (Shield Magic, Magic Armour and Simple Resist Toxin)
The established player who referred the new player will get the Frag Skill ‘A Friend Indeed’. (Advanced Shield Magic, Advanced Magic Armour and Complex Resist Toxin)
Both can be found in the Soul Frag Book: Page 79.
Players must attend the same game together to collect this benefit.
Visiting Players
If you are a visiting player please register for the event on the database as normal and complete this form.
Event Location
Meals Schedule
Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Serving Breakfast and maybe Lunch
Tavern will be open between meals
Water Bottle $1.00
Monster Energy Drink (reg. & sugar-free) $3.00
Can of Soda $2.00
Sports Drink (Various flavors) $2.00
Coffee / Tea $2.00
Orange Juice $2.00
Fruit Smoothies (12oz) $2.00
Add-in Berry Mix Protein Powder $1
Scrambled Eggs (2 eggs) $2.00
Bacon (2 pieces) $2.00
Toast (1 slice) $1.00
Hashbrowns (1/2 cup worth) $2.00
Pancakes (4 silver dollar sized) $2.00
*Breakfast Plate $6.00
(all of the above, or sub 2 pancakes for toast)
Lunch and Dinner
Grilled Cheese $3.00
Veggie Burger $8.00
Hamburger $7.00
Cheeseburger $8.00
Hotdog $3.00
Bacon Add-On $2.00
*Dinner Special
Bowl of Chili w/roll $3.00
Event Schedule
Space Open: Friday August 30th 5 pm
Log opens: Friday August 30th 8 pm
Game starts: Friday August 30th 10pm
Game called: Sunday September 1st 2pm
Space Cleared: Sunday September 1st 6pm
Event Cost
$85 with prelog AND prepay
$95 with prelog and pay at event
$105 without prelog and pay at event
Event payments can be sent to payments@mournfall.com or can be made via our paypal button on the Logistics page while prelog is open.
Prepay payments will be accepted up until Wednesday August 28th 2024 at 11:59pm at the $85 value.
Payments received after this time will be under the $95 fee but will still be accepted.
Blankets Offered: 1 Blankets of CP
For more information on Underworld LARP, please check out underworldlarp.com
Logistics Email: logistics@mournfall.com
Plot Email: plot@mournfall.com
General Inquiries or Concerns: comments@mournfall.com